Hi. My name is Adam.

Today’s loser: Idaho Falls Post Register

Posted in Associated Press, news, page desin, photo essays, Post Register by adambsullivan on November 11, 2008

Today’s worst front page comes out of Idaho Falls, ID from the Post Register.

On first glance, this page is attractive. The right side offers an easy-to-navigate information bar. The overhead teaser is definitely enticing. 

However, two out of three front-page stories are AP. The other is a PR bulleted list of veteran’s day events. Not a story at all, really.

More, the pages dominant element is two shots of a crafts fair. It’s not a teaser; there’s no copy. I see the photos, but I really don’t know anything about the Skyline High School’s Craft Fair. It’s worth dominant placement, but not worth a story or even a quote or two?
